Signs of the Current Era: TimeSpace by The New York Times

In yet another clear signal that the tradition model alone cannot help a news media company – even of the most venerable pedigree – survive the present churning, The New York Times (NYT) recently introduced TimeSpace, a new initiative that brings entrepreneurs to NYT headquarters to refine and grow their businesses.

A “Truth Teller” for India’s Polity too?

The world of news media is evolving at a pace never seen earlier in the history of mankind. And at the heart of the evolution lies the role of technology. Among the many useful new additions to the global news landscape is a new feature called “Truth Teller” by The Washington Post.

Interview with the Author of My Two Worlds

Born on August 24, 1948 in Karad, Maharashtra, Dilip V. Subhedar is currently leading a retired life in Ahmedabad, a city where he has spent his last four decades. On a lazy afternoon, he agreed to have a brief chat about his maiden book My Two Worlds with League of India at a suburban cafe in Ahmedabad. Here are the excerpts of the conversation: