Announcing Travel Information and Services Venture

India Travel Advisory Plus – Our Ground for Your  Feet in India ® is the world’s only “travel information and services support channel” for foreigners visiting India for reasons pertaining to medical, spiritual and media production purposes.

First, a little note:, the web portal, reflects just the first step of the idea. It broadly seeks to inform the world of the scope of, and the direction that we are providing to the pioneering idea.

In its full form, ITA+ provides foreign visitors and their organisations travel (includes transportation and hospitality) risk management strategies and responses to protect them from any unforeseen challenges and help them maximise the returns of their fixed-term visit to India.

Whether the need of the hour is pre-travel advice, securing local security and logistical support during the travel or actual execution of personal and/or business projects, ITA+’s specialist team ensures that foreign visitors remain “sure-footed about every step that they need to take in India, much before they leave the secure comfort of their homes”.

Here’s how ITA+ works:

ITA+ configures timely and vital information for foreign visitors by means of an intelligent mix of**updated regulatory data** and **live, contextual news ** related to the purpose of visit.

The 24/7 ITA+ Global Advisory Hubs (IGAH) in CBD Singapore and GIFT City, Gandhinagar, India, and regionally based on ground ITA+ analysis teams across 10 cities and 200 remote sites in India ensure timely reporting on security challenges and travel disruption anywhere in India.

In association with the two IGAHs, the regional analysis teams, which comprise seasoned journalists/editors, social and political analysts, security and medical resources and academics who have considerable expertise on matters related to their regions, monitor and analyse India’s lively political and social situations, as well as epidemic outbreaks, natural disasters, weather fluctuations to provide the most complete advice that any organisation can ever give to foreigners visiting India.

But that is not the only thing that ITA+ does.

ITA+ has put together signature technology and tools to ensure that both the visitors and their employers/families can have a real time global positioning view of the visitors’ whereabouts in India and their scheduled itinerary. Furthermore, the visitors would also be provided means to communicate with their employers/families in their home nations via phone, email or SMS.

Employers, insurance companies and families of foreign visitors visiting India via IMED+ package would also have either a daily medical bulletin or emergency updates (whichever applicable) directly to their email accounts.

For global media agencies, apart from the aforementioned information and monitoring services, ICOV+not only facilitates location scouting and budget and scheduling but also line production – and even complete production, if so required. For news organisations, ITA+ provides news capsules about events, places and people.

India is globally regarded as the home of spiritualism. IHEAL+ recognises that and offers the best solutions for those foreign visitors who visit India to answer their call for inner awakening. Apart from the aforementioned information and monitoring services, foreign visitors can opt for guided tours in company of spiritual thinkers, can have short courses on spiritual subjects and can also invite others from their home countries to cultural-religious events/happenings in India via special ITA+ internet broadcasting services.

There’s a lot more that you can avail of. All you have to do is to get in touch with us HERE